Winter Walks...
It was about time I did another blog post, and considering that I have been so stressed and literally drowning within multiple assignments (I'm really not kidding) I haven't been able to film any videos within the last week; and I apologise! However, within the next week there will be loads more content and vlogs which I'm incredibly excited about and I hope you are too! Make sure to let me know on what videos you'd like to see!
Anyway, after that debrief I thought I would share with you a blog that is very fitted for the Winter season. What's not better than wrapping up warm in your favourite chunky coat, going outside on a crisp morning and enjoying your favourite hot drink! I personally am a massive fan of hot chocolates; I highly recommend the fudge hot chocolate from Starbucks for those of you that haven't tried it yet. It is so good. As much as I like chained coffee shops, I love to visit independent chained shops that have a unique edge to the rest. It's always good to go and try out new things and go to new places!
I would most likely do an blog post within the next month or so about a reflection within the year and I know I did an blog post at the start of the year about my New Year's resolutions (we will see how that's gone...) so I can compare with how well or how not so well I've done. Can't wait haha. However, it's nearly the end of term and I'm soon about to break up for the Christmas holidays which I'm super duper excited about. I can't wait to go home, relax a bit and just enjoy some good quality time with my friends and family. It's always the small things that I miss the most about being home. And my dog. Of course.
Coat: Zara
Denim skirt: Topshop
Shoes: Vans

I hope you enjoy this small but sweet blog post and make sure to look out for more content along the way.
See you soon on another blog,
Lots of love,
Chloe x
Y O U T U B E C H A N N E L :
I N S T A : thatgingegirl_
T W I T T E R : thatgingegirl
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